James 5:13-15a
Are any among you suffering? They should pray. Are any cheerful? They should sing songs of praise. Are any among you sick? They should call for the elders of the church and have them pray over them, anointing them with oil in the name of the Lord. The prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise them up.
Please remember these members of our congregations and community in prayer or with a phone call, card or visit this week:
Prayer List is included in the weekly announcements and lifted up in prayer in worship.
earth and climate change
people experiencing war, violence, injustice or abuse
peace in Ukraine and Israel and Gaza
East Timor (Timor Lorosa'e), Indonesia, Philippines
Black, First Nations, Métis, South Asian, LGBTQ2+, Jewish, Muslim siblings and all those who experience discrimination
those struggling with physical or mental illness, caregivers
people struggling with relationships, the lonely, the homeless
the Church
Bette, Bev, Bill, Carrie, Carol, Charlene, Connie, Dawn, Debra, Doug & Virginia, Evelyn Farr, Grace, Harry, Heather C., Joan Dechert, Kathy, Ken, Linda, Mabel, Marion, Mary, Mike, Paul May, Ryan, Sebastian, Sandy McPhedran, Sarah Rose, Tammy, Thane, Wendy, Werner, Victoria
Anishnabeg Outreach; Canadian Foodgrains Bank; East Wellington Community Services; Ecumenical Campus Ministry at U of G; Mission & Service; the Rainbow Chorus; Royal City Mission, the Rural Women’s Support Program
Chalmers Community Centre, Hope House
Parkminster United Church
Mimosa United Church
Canadian Sheild Regional Council
Prayer Requests can be added by emailing the office at rockwoodstoneuc@gmail.com .
Spiritual Saturday
The last
Saturday of every month we gather together to pray scripture and reflect on how God is at work in our lives. Email Lisa Leffler at
lleffler@live.ca for more details.
World Day of Prayer
first Friday of
March, our congregations join with neighbouring churches for the World Day of Prayer. This global ecumenical movement is led by Christian women who welcome you to join in prayer and action for peace and justice.
Please go to Life in Our Churches for a list of this week's events.