Hybrid Worship
Sunday morning at 9:30 am there will be time to gather on Zoom. At 9:45 am join us for worship on Zoom or at Stone or at 11:15 am join us for worship on Zoom or at Rockwood.
Tuesday, December 24 from 6:15 to 7 pm we will share Readings and Reflections with Communion, accompanied by flute music
at Rockwood and on Zoom.
Tuesday, December 24 at 7:30 pm we will celebrate the Birth of Jesus with Communion, Scripture Story, Song and Conversation at Stone and on Zoom.
To receive the Announcements on Thursdays, Contemplation and Conversation on Sundays each week email rockwoodstoneuc@gmail.com
Please go to Life in Our Churches for a list of this week's events
To view past worship services and Offering Praise, visit our Rockwood Stone YouTube page.